Vrode Script Editor - easy-to-use editor for JavaScript, Python, VBScript, HTML and CSS files

New version 6.9.5 released (21 Dec 2020). Download

Softoxi.com editor team:
"Vrode Script Editor - easy-to-use, lightweight and yet comprehensive, feature-rich and effective editor for JavaScript, VBScript, HTML and CSS files. A really smart and handy tool that provides you with a great way to fully control your scripts and code files. Highly-recommended."

Vrode Script Editor  features: 

  • Running scripts in console (CScript) or windows (WScript) mode
  • PhoneGap|Cordova projects support
  • Debugging scripts in HTML(IE, Firefox, Google Chrome), Python, JavaScript(NodeJs, WSH), VBScript, HTA, WSF files.
  • Code Explore for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, VBScript, INI files
  • Code completion(IntelliSense) for JavaScript, Python and VBScript functions, NodeJs, ExtJs, jQuery, jQueryUI, HTML tag and Attributes, CSS selectors, DOM (Document Object Model), ASP , WSH and WMI
  • Code templates
  • Function parameters hints for JavaScript, Python and VBScript
  • Context-sensitive help for HTML tags, CSS selectors, Script funtions and objects , ExtJs, jQuery, jQueryUI
  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor for  HTML and CSS
  • Code Tools: JsBeautifier, JsHint, ESLint, HtmlTidy, StyleLint, CSSLint, TSLint